Short Bio

Michele is a predominantly self taught artist who draws and paints an unlimited array of subjects in the Traditional genre. She loves to capture a moment in time that resonates with viewers and tells a story, using light, shadow and color instead of words.


Capturing mood is what compels me to create, and is fundamental to the way I develop my artwork. Whether it be hauntingly serene, a fit of raw emotion exploding within nature, or playful affection among friends, my goal is to seize the moment in my tools and release it into the canvas/paper with all the splendor the subject deserves.

Once the mood is set and the subject matter is decided, I visualize how the story should unfold. Next, the color schemes that best represents it along with the time of day/season are developed in order to determine the palette. When I am hired to create a commission I use the same protocol, but based on the question “what is it that you love the most” about the subject they chose, then strive to attain that wish.

As an artist, my intent is to create a work with a distinct emotion in the most beautiful way possible. Intense color or muted monochromes; paintings or drawings; portraits or landscapes, the goal is the same: I wish to invite the viewer in- if only for a brief visit- to experience this moment I have frozen in time.